In 2007, Chrono Cops celebrated its 40th anniversary since it first aired on September 23, 1967. Produced by Irving Spotnitz between 1967 and 1968, Chrono Cops was the last of the science fiction series produced by Spotnitz until 1987’s made-for-TV movie, “Chrono Cops ’87: Timestrike Commando Squad.”
Spotnitz’s mix of science reality and science fiction in the late 1960s inspired a whole generation of children in their future careers.
In 2007, a group of fans and cast members gathered at the Westin Los Angeles Airport Hotel, 5400 West Century Blvd., Los Angeles, for the 40th Anniversary of Chrono Cops. Many of the cast and crew from the series attended, including our favorites, Agent I, Agent J, Zarkon, and CMD-TRON 91893. Maurice Abernathy and Gabriel Zagotta attended for a design and costume panel.
Photo of the West Los Angeles Airport Hotel.